The V-Tech prescriptions pharmacy – an accredited training facility

The V-Tech Prescriptions Pharmacy is approved as a training facility by the South African Pharmacy Council to train Pharmacists, Interns, and Pharmacists Assistants in accordance with the provisions of the Pharmacy Act 1974 of South Africa.

This creates an opportunity for both external candidates and V-Tech personnel to receive training in specialised veterinary medicine compounding under the supervision of experienced pharmacists.


Our internal training

At V-Tech, training is a priority, and the investment made in our team consists of the following focus areas:

  • All operational staff undergo Good Manufacturing Practise training on an ongoing basis. The expertise of accredited service providers is utilised for this purpose
  • As a South African Animal Health Association member, V-Tech’s sales and marketing team complete the training syllabus
  • Development of the management team included Masters in Business Administration degrees
  • Tertiary qualifications through correspondence universities can be obtained by qualifying staff members
  • Veterinarians, Veterinary Nurses and Pharmacists attend Continued Professional Development on subjects like regulatory and pharmacology
  • As an SAPC accredited training facility V-Tech now also trains pharmacy assistants and pharmacy post-basic assistants

V-Tech’s ongoing commitment to internal training allows employees to build a foundation for organisational direction, build and establish expectations and deliver cutting-edge practices suited to the pharmaceutical industry. They also develop strong relationships with other employees — all of which makes them more productive and makes for a great work environment.

V-Tech’s managers, including the Head of Human Resources and the Quality Officer, continuously work together to ensure staff development.

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